Rottech International Limited is 21st a century Energy company with serveral years of experience in providing economical, reliable power solutions for cellular expansion programs. We provide off-Grid Solar Power Systems for Telecommunications.
You may want a solution that is completely PV powered, or a hybrid of PV, wind, and generator. Rottech international ltd works with the top manufacturers of products in all these categories to ensure the integrity of your solution. Rottech international ltd deals only in modules and components with the highest international standards, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Factory Mutual Research (FM) listings in the US, and approval by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) in Europe.
We have years of experience in providing economical, reliable power solutions for cellular expansion programs. Our core communications business has been assisting telecom OEMs and network operators to resolve remote power requirements, and we have deployed systems to power telecom equipment throughout the world.
We will work closely with your team, from initial design and system integration, to shipping, deployment, and installation. This process allows us to provide solar power solutions with quick turnaround and short lead times from inception to installation.
We are becoming the fastest growing telecommunications company in the United Kingdom